I'm back! I've got a lot of things to share on this blog from the last month or two, so I'll work post just a little at a time. Now, I want to tell you about the bonfire we had for our English students in October. Each month, we try to have a big get-together for all the English students. This is a chance for them to interact with other English speakers and practice their English and for them to hear about what we Americans are doing here and ultimately, about God. It's also gives the Americans a great opportunity to get to know our students on a more personal basis. We had around 35 there and sang some fun songs around the bonfire. We also roasted some of the best spekacky (typical Czech sausage for bonfires) I've had in this country! Then Sabrina Hadsell gave a short testimony of what God has done in her life. She did a great job of inviting the students to look into who Jesus really is and to learn more about Him. I know God used this time to work in the lives of these students.
I'll post about our Thanksgiving party next week!!!
Two students roasting Spekacky by the fire
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