Visa: In Process
A big "PRAISE THE LORD" for His help with my Visa situation! The original Visa must be applied for out of the country, at the Czech Embassy. Which means a trip to Vienna, Austria, about 2 hours away. This also means that it's important to have all the needed documents ready before the big day. There was one document from the city (my work permit) that the office said would be impossible to get in time for the Embassy trip. This was also around the time that I sent out a big note to everyone asking them to pray, pray, pray! Well, God hears and listens. I received this impossible-to-get paper about 12 hours before I left for Vienna.
Wow. God is good.
So, I made the trip to Vienna on the 3AM bus, and got there at about 5:15. Before even Starbucks was open. That's early.
The actual time IN the Embassy was so easy it was almost scary. I had heard many horror stories of missionaries having a hard time there, having to completely fill out the application again, and having to make an extra trip back because their paperwork was wrong. I had none of that. In fact, it was all done in about 20 minutes.
So, I thank you for your prayers. And I praise the Lord.